negev desert

Modern pioneers began planting vineyards in the 1990s, a testament to the nation's skills in turning adversity into triumph.

Accounting for 4% of Israel's wine production, this arid expanse boasts sandy loam and loess soils.

In the Negev Highlands, elevations soar to 3000 feet, creating a unique terroir where rainfall barely reaches 2-4" per year. Experience the extremes—from scorching summer days ranging from 60-105°F to cool evenings and very cold nights. Misty mornings shroud the vineyards, a testament to the Negev's mystical allure.

Dryness and minimal humidity not only define the landscape but also keep diseases at bay, showcasing Israel's agricultural prowess in making the desert bloom. However, the Negev's unique challenge lies in marauding camels, a quirky reminder of the delicate balance between nature and cultivation in this winemaking oasis.

negev desert Wineries